Last year we posted 21 stats about voice search. Since then others have posted even more stats on voice search adoption and usage, so voice search is not a passing trend. Search, and I feel Google’s approach to search has always been in part about convenience and the need to present users with information to their questions and queries in as quick as possible. So when it comes to voice search, isn’t that what it’s all about? Convenience and the ability of users to find accurate and relevant information as quick as possible.
Rosie from Bright Local reached out with a few additional stats based on a study completed by Bright Local on their Voice Search for Local Business Study that they completed.
Voice Search Stats for Local Business
Here are nine additional voice search stats that are specific to local businesses.
- 58% of consumers have used voice search to find local business information in the last 12 months
- 46% of voice search users look for a local business on a daily basis
- What consumers want most: to be able to use voice search to make reservations, to hear business prices, and to find out which products businesses have
- 27% visit the website of a local business after making a voice search
- 25% of consumers say they haven’t yet tried local voice search, but would consider it
- 76% of smart speaker users perform local searches at least weekly—with 53% searching using these devices every day
- Consumers are most likely to perform voice searches to find further information on local businesses they already know about
- Voice searchers are most likely to look for restaurants, grocery stores, and food delivery
- Just 18% of consumers have used smart speakers for local voice searches
The Bright Local study does suggest that there is still room for improvement when it comes to adoption and usage of voice search (especially with older demographics).
How frequently do you use voice search to find information on local businesses? (by device type)
Thanks Rosie and the team at Bright Local. If you want to check out their full study, you can do so by going here.
I definitely feel that voice search is not just a passing fad, it’s a whole new method of searching (and finding) information. I am probably a power user of voice search as I almost use it on a daily basis. Yes there is still room for improvement, but IMO, there is always room for improvement. Does Google get it right all of the time? No, and that’s why as users we need to leverage these tools and provide feedback where possible. Convenience is one piece of it, but I want accurate information first and foremost… and I don’t want information overload. Voice Search for me continues to be exciting and we are just in the early days of it.
Other stats on voice search.